Shingo Kitagawa
Robotics software engineer at GITAI USA Inc., Ph.D. in Information Science and Technology

Shingo Kitagawa was born in Japan in 1993. He received his B.Sc. (2017), M.Sc. (2019) and Ph.D. (2022) from School of Engineering and Graduate School of Information Science and Technology in The University of Tokyo (UTokyo). In his research at UTokyo, he was working on manipulation learning, programming by teleoperation and user interface for manipulation at JSK Laboratory supervised by Prof. Masayuki Inaba and Prof. Kei Okada.
From April 2022 to March 2023, he worked as a project assistant professor at JSK Laboratory in UTokyo. From April 2023, he started working as a robotics software engineer at GITAI Japan Inc.. He moved to the United states on October 2023 and started working as a robotics software engineer at GITAI USA Inc..
selected publications
Journal Articles
- Online tangible robot programming: interactive automation method from teleoperation of manipulation taskAdvanced Robotics Aug 2023
- Miniature Tangible Cube: Concept and Design of Target-Object-Oriented User Interface for Dual-Arm TelemanipulationIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Aug 2021
- Few-experiential learning system of robotic picking task with selective dual-arm graspingAdvanced Robotics Aug 2020